Friday, September 26, 2008


Well here he is not to bad looking for all he has been through. He came home on Wednesday afternoon feeling tired. A generator outside his window kept him up during the night. He went to bed at 7:30 and slept good until 7 am. He is back to work and even had a closing the next day. If that is what it takes for a closing, maybe I'll see how often I can arrange for him to go to the hospital.JK. He is feeling good and we feel like it is helping his circulation in his legs, cuz last night he even had ankle bones that we could see, and it has been a long time since we have seen those bones sticking out.

I am happy to announce that our telephones, that have been out of service since last Saturday, are now working again and so does our answering machine. So feel free to call.


Brittany said...

I still think it would be cool to post a picture of the amazing scar that he has. Soooo awesome. hehe.

Tisdale Family said...

YAY!!! I'm glad that good looking old man is feeling better! ;)

Michelle Bebe said...

so glad to hear it!!!