Happy Anniversary to my favorite Husband. We had an anniversary dinner at the hospital cafeteria last night with all our adult children minus Donny and Deanna. Not exactly how we wanted to celebrate, but the company was first rate.
Sometimes life gives you changes to help you grow. My dad always told me that if it didn't kill you, you would grow from change and adversity. Quite frankly....I am tired of growing. I'm not complaining... Just want to put that out there for everyone to know. So just to recap and bring my blog up to date. Here Goes. Over a year ago we moved from our home of 26 years. Into a rental home that we loved. Of course we got all settled and we were informed that the owners were going to short sell it, and we would have to move. My hope was that at least we could get Brittany's wedding over with the first of April. Sure enough my wish was granted. Our baby was married in the Arizona Temple to Brady Garrett on April 9,2010. It was so neat to be able to go with her to the Temple and for the first time have all my children in there with us.
We got our 30 day notice the first of April, just before the wedding. So we got the wedding over with and then we started packing. Again. And getting rid of more stuff. We could not find an appropriate place to rent, so we moved in with my Mom (bless her). We have been looking but the prices have gone so high, they are almost out of reach.
It may have been a good thing for us that we have not moved out, as Bill is currently in the hospital just having under gone emergency surgery for a perferated bowel. It was kind of a relief to finally find out what has been bothering him for several weeks. He has tried to work through everything and not felt really good for a while. He is now out of ICU and in a room on the Renal Floor. He is not in any pain from the bowel problem, but is now suffering from a flair up of GOUT in his right knee. They have removed the tube from his stomach, and he removed the main line that was in his neck. The night nurse said he was very repentant and he didn't know what he was doing at the time, but he bled like a stuck pig everywhere until she finally got it under control. All he could do was lay there and tell her how sorry he was. When I got in this morning he was sitting up in a chair and said he had been since 6 am. When I inquired if he would like to get back into bed I got the GRUMPY answer of "HELL NO," it took me to long to get here to want to go back. OK....all I did was ask. Then I made the mistake of asking him if he would like something for pain and was informed that they had nothing that they could give him for the pain. The next time the nurse came in I asked her about it, and was informed that she was giving him morphine every 2 to 2-1/2 hours. She said we are keeping him comfortable.
He is progressing well and making good progress. Thank you all for all your good thought and prayers. For me the nice thing is that they have free internet at the hospital, since we don't have it at my Moms. If you call that a good thing.
I am very grateful to our Bishop Tenny who came on Wednesday and helped him renue his Temple Recommend and then took it back to get it signed for him. He has worried about it, but never felt really well enough to go out to get it done in the past few weeks. It relieved some of his anxiety. Again thank you to all who have called and inquired to me or to a member of our family. We appreciate it and know that you prayers are heard.
There is lots more to tell about what has gone on in the las 6 months, but this will have to do for now.