I'm Home......After spending 10 days being held hostage out in Queen Creek taking care of the Whetten Family, I have finally made it home. What a 10 days it was. I had so much fun helping take care of Merrek, Emma, and Baby Jason. He is a doll and all boy. Deanna has had a rough time after her Epidural from Hell.....she is getting a little better now it will just take time for the nerves in her back to calm down and stop causing her pain. We feel lucky that there was no permanent damage done. Everyone is doing much better now.
We went on picnic's, went to the hospital, attended Katy's Baptism, did dishes, cleaned, walked Merrek to school, did dishes, laundry, played outside on our bikes, took naps, at least some of us did, went to a jewelry party, watched movies, read books, cleaned up after kids, changed diapers, etc, etc. etc. You get the point.
I feel privileged to have been in the delivery room for Jason's birth, and then to take care of the girls till mom and dad got home. It was fun to be in their home with the whole family around and to help out for a few days. It will always be a special memory for me, to be held hostage at the Whetten Home.

Donny & Jason/Father & Son