Monday, November 2, 2009

So I've Been A Little Busy The Last Little While....

Brittany started Nursing School in October...Yea...and moved into a apartment closer to work and school...not so fun for us...cuz it is very lonely around here without her around. So she organized our Annual Girls Night out before she started school. We turned it into a "Surprise" baby shower for Susan and Candice. Susan had her beautiful baby girl...Samantha...on Conference Sunday, so that Scott her husband would be here. He is being deployed again to the middle east. We surprised her but someone let Candice in on the surprise...Oh Well. We were to pick up 2-5foot subs for the dinner, but when we went to pick them up they thought they were for the next night. So they hurried and fixed up some foot longs and cut them in thirds and placed them on a platter. We were only 30 minutes late to the party.

We had food, presents for the babies and moms, Dancing contests, pedicures, music, and lots of talking...that you never get enough of.

Well here it is November and were getting ready for "COOL" weather. Why are our highs still in the 90's? Someone once told me that when you get older life gets simpler. I am still waiting and hoping that someday everything will settle down but it doesn't look like that will happen anytime soon. So lets get caught up

Even Jason and Annie got a little playing time in, during the football game

Here's our cute cheerleaders Merrek, Katy, and Tawny.Here

Here our story changes to Grandpa /Dad /Bill entering the hospital...again. This time for more of the same story about his kidneys shutting down again, and his body collecting to much water inside that the kidneys were working to hard to function and so they began to shut down. After 4 days they finally changed some of his medications and they seem to be helping.

We were thinking that all was well, except the cardiologist informed him that one of the leads on his defibrillator was coming out, and it needed to be fixed right away so it doesn't start shocking him out of the blue. Aren't we grateful for Doctors and Nurses who are there to help.

In between Hospital visits for Bill, Candice and Matt went in and had Baby Ellee Delivered by a scheduled C-section. She is beautiful. Looks so much like Candice did as a baby, but has the Angle Chin. I was so glad that I could stay with them and help out, although I sometimes felt like i didn't do much. We are so glad she is here and mom is doing much better.
Of Course Tristan has stepped in and taken his role as a big brother seriously, he loves to hold her and kiss her and inspect her hands and feet.

So after all this had died down, we had to but Bill back into the hospital to have a lead from his defibrillator changed out. They could not remove the wire so they just put in another one. He came out of Surgery and made quite a spectacle of him self with the nurses, even ate a good dinner about 9 pm and then said he was tired and fell asleep. The next day he had no memory of anything that he had said or eaten the entire night. It was a real eye opener for Brittany who had never seen him behave in quite that manner.

Last but not least we went out to Queen Creek for the ward Trunk -r -Treat and got to see all our grandchildren and their friends in costume and enjoy the Chile cook off. Saturday we went and visited with my mom who was babysitting for Ellee, while they went to their ward carnival. Candice and Matt came over and brought Tristan for a few minutes. After mom's we wnt to the Rudds and visited with them and their kids for a while. We enjoy being around all of them. Can't believe the Chelsea is getting married, and Michael will be leavin on a mission in February. Guess other people kids grow up also.

It has been a very trying time in so many ways and we are so grateful for the many many friends and family members that we have had around us at all times. Their faith and prayers in our behalf have certainly been a big help in our life. We love you all.

Next Sunday I give my lesson in Relief Society and then we go out to QC for Tylers Blessing. Guess our activities are gaining on us again.

Thursday, August 27, 2009



This is the newest addition to the Jensen Family - isn't he a cutie. He is a good baby, although he is having a hard time learning how to eat enough at one feeding without having to have a nap in the middle of his meal. Everything works on him, especially when he gets his diaper changed. He has already learned to sleep well, especially during the day, and not so well at night. He has the ability to sleep while all around him is utter chaos. He is so lucky to have 5 older siblings who for now can't seem to get enough of holding him and patting his head. He is well loved.

They have another new addition to their family also. A new 12 passenger van, so that they have a car that the entire family will fit in. So after being a one car family for so many years, they are back to the 2 car routine. Congratulations to all of them. I spent a week with them and they are all learning to adapt to a new baby in the family. I had a great time and enjoyed my time with them. Life is good ....and being a GRANDMA is especially sweet when you have children and grandchildren as sweet as all mine.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


OK....So I lied about updating....I've been busy.

But I did want to announce that Allison and Joe Jensen are the proud parents of a 7 lb 4Oz little boy who will be known as TYLER DON JENSEN. He arrived on Tuesday August 18,2009, at 1:47pm. He is 2 and 1/2 weeks early. He is a cutie pie, who looks just like a Jensen boy. Of course I would love to post a picture of him but my camera is on the fritz, Brittany doesn't have one, and Joe and Allison took off so fast they forgot to take there's. Stacy saved the day and brought her's so as soon as she posts some I will get them here.
Please keep Tyler and his parents in your he is experiencing some problems with his lungs and his breathing. He looks good just is 2 weeks early and his lungs are not able to keep themselves inflated. So for right now he is in the PICU at Banner Gateway, getting the help that he needs and seems to be doing fine. Mother is resting well and dad....after coming off work at 4am he didn't get to sleep till after 8 tonight...he was very sound when we returned from the nursery at 8:30. Hopefully they will get a good night sleep and feel better in then morning.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Small update....I have not vanished.

Hello all.....I know it has been a long time since I wrote anything but you know....sometimes life gets in the way. I have been busy working full time, and some of it is till 8-9 at night. By the time I get home, fix something (usually not a full meal) and straiten things up it is time for bed, or at least time to "go" to bed. So I hope to get some in depth coverage soon. Yesterday we got home from our Whetten Family Camp out, and we got a message from my sister-in-law in Nevada that our other Sister-in-Law was coming to stay for a week for a wedding. She was coming here with a Brother-in-Law and Niece who went up for a funeral for our 18 year old Niece. See I told you Life gets in the way! So I took the day off today. But I shall post soon.

A BIG shout out to my wonderful family for making our family comport an outstanding success. It was so fum to sit and watch the interaction between all my children, spouses, and grandchildren for 4 days with only minimal discord between some of the little ones. THANK YOU. I love you all so much.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Today was a fun day for all....the girls....Merrek and Tawny got to take their first bus ride from their grade school to the Superstition Farm Dairy that is my neighbor. I was excited because I pass the dairy everyday and have wondered what it was like. So now we all know a little more about what goes on down the street from Grandma's house.

The kids were divided up into 4 groups and had different areas to visit. The most popular was the petting area, and the feeding area. They got to feed the goats and the horses, then they got to hold a chicken and pet a rooster and a rabbit. Next we went to the horse area where the;y learned how to groom a horse and put a saddle on it. They got to see the horse's teeth up close and then feed him bites of carrots. We learned you have to hold your hand like a pancake (very flat) so he doesn't think that your fingers are carrots.
Merrek and the chicken

Tawny and the other chicken

Then we had lunch all together under the shade. On of the most popular attractions was the j-johns, and the hand washing area.

My favorite Kindergarteners on the tractor.

After lunch we all got to sample the ice cream that only hours before was milk from their very own cows. It was a very fun day and also very educational for everyone. I'm sure the adults learned much more that the kids did.
Isn't it fun to live near a farn.....reminds me of 30 years ago when their was a dairy next to Mountain View. (Except for the FLIES.)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Who Knew Merrek would blossom into a Basketball Player. I am so proud of her! It has take a lot of self confidence for her to get out on the court and do what she has learned.....and is still learning.....To get out and be in front of lots of people and do something new is a GREAT accomplishment for her....and I never once saw her cry......Hurray for Merrek!

Isn't she cute..... Notice the wet chin and mouth. Who knew that she had a double ear infection and was coming down with Pink Eye at the same time. She acts a lot like her Uncle Donny, who had lots of them while he was young and never complained about them until we discovered he couldn't hear out of one of his ears. Then they went in and put tubes in his ears and pulled all the old fluid out that had congealed in his ear that had made him very hard of hearing. Within months his hearing was back to normal. Can't say what causes his problems now. Any way, Anny is now on her Third round of treatment, If this doesn't work and keep her well, her next step is the E.N.T. DR. But, even sick she is such a sweet little girl you wouldn't know anything was wrong......Except in the middle of the night when she decides she wants to get up and eat.

Yesterday we went to a Diamondback Baseball Game. It is always fun to go with my kids and grandkids and yesterday was no exception. The only thing that would have made it better is if we had won, and if it had not been so cold and windy. Merrek got so cold that we ended up buying her a new Diamondback Sweatshirt so that she didn't freeze to death and turn into a popsicle. Thanks Donny, for inviting me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well the next day was fine, but it was the one after that that almost did me in. I have never had as sore muscles in my stomach as I have had lately...but it's getting better, at least I can get up off the floor and out of a chair without feeling lots of pain.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Work It... Work It....Work It...

OK ....So Brittany signed us up for a trial membership at a gym. We went tonight...Yes, here she was with her mother, at the gym, on Friday night. We will have to see how soon I will go back, after I get up in the morning. It does open at 4 AM and doesn't close till 11. How bad can it be? We shall see.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Todays Grandpa's Birthday!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MAN I LOVE! I hope it is a good day even though you have to work all day. It is so much fun to work with my hubby and get to spend time with him doing what he loves to do....TALK TO PEOPLE....and ....SELL REAL ESTATE.

A big shout out to Brody also....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ALSO. Your growing up way to fast. Hope you are feeling good today.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


This is our new home. It has take me a long time to get settled and I am still not all done. It has been a real struggle to try and condense 28 YEARS of stuff from a 3 story 5 bedroom home to a 3 bedroom one story, but things are going slowly but smoothly. Yes it can be done!!!! But if it had not been for my family and friends, it would never have come together. My kids came over for about two weeks and helped pack boxes and boxes, and took loads and loads to the DI.
Then the morning of the big move, we had about 25 men show up with 5 trucks and trailers. Within 1 and 1/2 hours the entire house was empty and they were on their way to the new home. By noon it was all done. Well.... it was all put into the house and garage. So we are still finding things that are in boxes, and still trying to decide where to put things. You would be suprised at all the stuff that we have gotten rid of.....My Mother-In-Law would be proud. I am proud of myself.... and so thankful to all my kids and all of our friend who helped with packing, cleaning, unpacking, food, and emotional support. It has been an emotional journey, but we have truly found that HOME IS WHERE YOU LIVE, AND NOT THE HOUSE YOU LIVE IN.
As President Smith said "You have alot of friends who love you, or they are just excited to see you leave." All I can say in AMEN and THANK YOU.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Someone came to our house under cover of darkness and left this for us.......Thank You. We don't know who it was but Brittany does and she is not least yet. She came home while they were setting it up. It's fun to know someone is thinking of you and thinks your special.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Life's Paths

Rachel Nunes wrote this in her newsletter this month, and I find it very interesting to contemplate for my life right now.
Often when one path closes, it is only making room for something better—a brighter, wider path perhaps. Or perhaps it becomes a smaller trail that leads to a mountain you never would have climbed before, where the view is more incredible than you ever dreamed. All we can do is keep pushing forward to see where the road takes us.
I can't wait to see where my path is going to end up!

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Hostage Has Been Released

Jason Storm Whetten

I'm Home......After spending 10 days being held hostage out in Queen Creek taking care of the Whetten Family, I have finally made it home. What a 10 days it was. I had so much fun helping take care of Merrek, Emma, and Baby Jason. He is a doll and all boy. Deanna has had a rough time after her Epidural from Hell.....she is getting a little better now it will just take time for the nerves in her back to calm down and stop causing her pain. We feel lucky that there was no permanent damage done. Everyone is doing much better now.

We went on picnic's, went to the hospital, attended Katy's Baptism, did dishes, cleaned, walked Merrek to school, did dishes, laundry, played outside on our bikes, took naps, at least some of us did, went to a jewelry party, watched movies, read books, cleaned up after kids, changed diapers, etc, etc. etc. You get the point.

I feel privileged to have been in the delivery room for Jason's birth, and then to take care of the girls till mom and dad got home. It was fun to be in their home with the whole family around and to help out for a few days. It will always be a special memory for me, to be held hostage at the Whetten Home.

Donny & Jason/Father & Son

Katy's Baptism with Vance

Donny the Daddy

Picnic at the Park with the Jensens

Emma and Nash drink steeler.

Emma and the Sunflower Seed Accident

See.... I said some of us 5:00

He found his thumb.....but he still likes the pacifier.