It's Easter Pageant Week at the Arizona Temple. They are celebrating the 70Th Anniversary of the pageant. How privileged are we to be able to go each year. It always brings back many happy memories of the first Easter Program that I was a part of. In 1967, the Easter Pageant consisted of a Choir on risers, with a small stage in front of us where they had different scenes enacted, in tableau's, while the choir sang. The audience was seated on folding chairs around the reflecting pool. It started at 5:30 in the morning, and was called the Easter Sunrise Service. MY HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!!
Last night we were able to attend with all my children and their children, (except Allison and her family, because of the new baby). We met up with Scott and Susan and their family and her mom and younger sister, and.......a family they had invited to view the pageant. Way to go Scott and Susan!!! Matt's Mom, Elma even braved the cold to attend.
We had the usual pageant dinner, pizza and pop, and lots of snacks. Brittany related to me some of her memories of when she was 4 years old and what she remembers about being in the Pageant. Not much sacred stuff there.
But last nights memory will be from Tawny. She was sitting on my lap when the 10 virgins came out to dance. I told her maybe when she gets older she could be in that dance. She turned and looked at me and said, "No Grandma, I dance HIP-HOP." So much for her chance as a dancer.
She also had a conversation with Brittany that went something like this. " I came to the pageant so I could see what Jesus really looked like." Then Brittany broke it to her that that was not the real Jesus, only an actor playing Jesus, just like on Christmas Eve when the kids dress up to portray Mary and Jesus. She replied "like when I was an angel, only I was the only angel dressed up in Yellow." Yes that's right Tawny, you are our favorite Yellow angel. It was quite a revelation to her that this was not the Real Jesus, as she had been expecting.