Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Forgotten Carols


A big shout out to Brittany for graduating from ASU. On Friday December 19, 2008, my baby graduated from Arizona State University. We are so proud of her. Now if she can just figure out what she wants to be when she grows up.....As of now her plans are to go back to school and get her nursing degree.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sorry...I Have Been Busy Taking it Easy.
I have had more that a few people tell me I need to update my blog.....and I have one thing to say about that.....I KNOW!! But I have been so busy taking it easy, I haven't had time.
So let me bring you up to date. On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I had a tumor removed from my Thyroid Gland. It's in the neck. I came home on Thanksgiving Day in time for Turkey dinner at my mom's. Thanks to all my family for all the support that they have given me these past few weeks. A BIG Thank You to Brittany. She insisted on staying with me all night at the hospital that night. I tried to talk her out of it, but she wanted to. I am very grateful that she was there. It's kind of nice to have your own private duty nurse with you at you beck and call. She was there to get me what ever I needed, and see to my every wish all night Long. Even the nurses on duty were glad she was there. Brittany...Thank You...You can stay with me any time. The Hospital Scottsdale-Osborn is top rate hospital and I can find nothing bad to say about my stay. If it had to happen...they made it as pleasant an experience as you can get. Thanks also to my family who stayed during the 4 1/2 hour surgery, I was glad that you were there.
We are still waiting for the final report to come back from the pathology department at the Mayo Clinic, but we are hopeful that they will come back negative for more cancer. But we will deal with what ever happens in the future.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Would You Let Your Little Ones Came to Him?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What does an Eagle Scout look like?

From This to This in Eight Short Years.
Our oldest Grandson received his Eagle Scout award last Sunday night. Congratulations!!! We are so proud of Vance and the great young man that he is becoming. He is such a good example for all his family and friends to look up to. Can't believe that in 3 short years he will be on a mission. Vance we are so proud of you. And it goes without saying that he didn't do it all by himself. So Congratulations to Ben and Stacy and all those scout leaders who put up with him all those years, and stuck with it till it was done. Well Done!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Waitin' On A Woman......

I was in a car yesterday, waiting in a drive through line and I heard the "NEATEST" Song. You all have probably heard it before, but I hadn't. It is called Waitin' On A Women" by Brad Paisleyand I have to dedicate the song to my husband. Not that we are ever REALLY late, but he is always ready to go places before I am. I think that this is something that happens in everyones life. I have always appreciated that my husband would go shopping with me, and even hold my purse. There have been many times that I would find him sitting in the front of the store, waiting for me. Reminds me of when we would make my dad go to the store with us, and after he had done a few laps around the store for exercise we would find him in the front sitting and talking to whom ever was sitting beside him, usually another man. I have been very fortunate to have shared the last 40 years with this man, even though we don't have very much in common. The end of the song took a tug at my heart when it talks about him dying and going first, cuz she won't be ready. But he says, I'll take a chair, and wait for her, and be there when she's ready. How lucky can a girl get? I LOVE THAT MAN
Friday, September 26, 2008

Well here he is not to bad looking for all he has been through. He came home on Wednesday afternoon feeling tired. A generator outside his window kept him up during the night. He went to bed at 7:30 and slept good until 7 am. He is back to work and even had a closing the next day. If that is what it takes for a closing, maybe I'll see how often I can arrange for him to go to the hospital.JK. He is feeling good and we feel like it is helping his circulation in his legs, cuz last night he even had ankle bones that we could see, and it has been a long time since we have seen those bones sticking out.
I am happy to announce that our telephones, that have been out of service since last Saturday, are now working again and so does our answering machine. So feel free to call.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Thanks to Kristin for finding this quote I love it....
"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he's been robbed. The fact is that most putts don't drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time rail journey...delays, side tracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."
Gordon B. Hinckley
Hope everyone had a good Labor day weekend. Ours has been fast and full of family. We were sad to say good bye to our sweet sister-in-law, Carol Tyler Whetten, but know that she is so happy where she is and free of a failing body. On the other hand we love the wonderful reunions that come with funerals. It was so good to see all of Carol and Lloyds children and their children. It was good to have Arlene, Darrell, Kathy and JoRene here with us for a few days. We enjoyed catching up and Darrell was a good sport...he went with Bill to show houses on Saturday, and then went Home Teaching with him on Sunday. Next time he comes I will reward him with ice cream. So fum to be with family.
I went to a friends mothers funeral on Friday. What a contrast. It was a wonderful funeral. I came away feeling like I really knew her mom, who I had never met, but there was only the 2 daughters and my friends husband there as family, and a few friends. The Paster who was in charge and talked at the service had never even met Barbara. There was no feeling of Hope or Happiness. Makes my appreciate my beliefs so much more, and that there is life after we leave this earth.
I better get busy and get something done. Hope everyone has a good week. Next weekend will be full also, with the blessing of Anny Johnson, and the ordination of Drew as a Deacon....More family food and fun.
Love to All.
"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he's been robbed. The fact is that most putts don't drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time rail journey...delays, side tracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."
Gordon B. Hinckley
Hope everyone had a good Labor day weekend. Ours has been fast and full of family. We were sad to say good bye to our sweet sister-in-law, Carol Tyler Whetten, but know that she is so happy where she is and free of a failing body. On the other hand we love the wonderful reunions that come with funerals. It was so good to see all of Carol and Lloyds children and their children. It was good to have Arlene, Darrell, Kathy and JoRene here with us for a few days. We enjoyed catching up and Darrell was a good sport...he went with Bill to show houses on Saturday, and then went Home Teaching with him on Sunday. Next time he comes I will reward him with ice cream. So fum to be with family.
I went to a friends mothers funeral on Friday. What a contrast. It was a wonderful funeral. I came away feeling like I really knew her mom, who I had never met, but there was only the 2 daughters and my friends husband there as family, and a few friends. The Paster who was in charge and talked at the service had never even met Barbara. There was no feeling of Hope or Happiness. Makes my appreciate my beliefs so much more, and that there is life after we leave this earth.
I better get busy and get something done. Hope everyone has a good week. Next weekend will be full also, with the blessing of Anny Johnson, and the ordination of Drew as a Deacon....More family food and fun.
Love to All.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Memories of Me
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. :) If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. :) If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
How Lucky Can One Grandma Get!!!

Meet Tristan Lee Angle, Anny Pixley Johnson, and Cole Joseph Jensen. I have been busy the first 6 mo of this year with daughters having kids for us all to love. Everyone it doing fine. They are all growing and keeping their parents busy. We will be having another baby in January when Donny and Deanna welcome another one into their family. Can't wait.....according to the Chinese Calendar it is a boy, but we will have to wait and see on that one.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I witnessed a first while I was driving home yesterday. I came up beside this big pickup truck that was stopped at a light. The driver had a book in his hand. I thought he is reading at the red light. But NOOOOOOO. We all took off at the light on Gilbert and the Freeway and I watched him until I turned off on Brown and he was reading the book the entire way. I just had to share.....How STUPID CAN SOME PEOPLE BE!!! I tried to get his attention to tell him to put down his book and DRIVE.....But he never noticed anything around him.
Lets all try to set a better example in everything we do, to make this world a safer place.
Lets all try to set a better example in everything we do, to make this world a safer place.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Not Much Goin On Here!!
Ok....so it has been awhile since I last signed on. Things are settling down though. In the last 3 weeks we have kept busy.... but everything seems to be calming down for a minute. We had our 25th Annual Bill Johnsons Dinner for everyone to celebrate the last day of school. We have celebrated Merrek, Allison, Tawny and Brittany's Birthdays, well Brittany really got cheated out of a big celebration, but we did bake her a cake and have dinner at Angles with Dad and Grams. Bill has been in the hospital, but is now home (or should I say at my Mom's home) recovering. We only have had one visit to Urgent Care for him since then. Our daughter, Candice, had an emergency C-Section on the 27th of May, but mother and baby "Tristan Lee Angle" are doing well. Allison and Joe had baby Cole in dad's hospital for some out patient tests to see why his belly-button won't heal...He is after all 4 months old. But it looks like that is taking care of itself and will not require anything more. Yea!! The days that I was off I am paying for now at work but I know that someday I will get caught up.
We have survived yet another mini-crisis in our life and all are doing well. I am so grateful for my wonderful family and the way they have pitched in for everything that needed to get done. I Love My Family. We are truly blessed when it comes to our children, their spouses, grandchildren, moms, and brothers and sisters, and special Neighbors. A special thanks to Shelly for the Soup and Strawberries, they were just what I ordered....literally. Thanks to all who have served us in the last 3 weeks. You will never know how much you all mean to all of us.
We have survived yet another mini-crisis in our life and all are doing well. I am so grateful for my wonderful family and the way they have pitched in for everything that needed to get done. I Love My Family. We are truly blessed when it comes to our children, their spouses, grandchildren, moms, and brothers and sisters, and special Neighbors. A special thanks to Shelly for the Soup and Strawberries, they were just what I ordered....literally. Thanks to all who have served us in the last 3 weeks. You will never know how much you all mean to all of us.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Well I thought I would read the last chapter in the Book of Mormon during church on Sunday for Mothers Day. I did but today I discovered the challenge finished on Saturday. Oh Well so much for being on time.
Thanks to all my family for making Mother's Day special. Dinner was enjoyed by all and it was fun to have everyone come and visit. Thanks for the pj's, they are wonderful, and the CD's I am really enjoying. I keep thinking that I will bring my flowers to work so I can enjoy them all day, but I keep forgetting to bring them.
Thanks to all my family for making Mother's Day special. Dinner was enjoyed by all and it was fun to have everyone come and visit. Thanks for the pj's, they are wonderful, and the CD's I am really enjoying. I keep thinking that I will bring my flowers to work so I can enjoy them all day, but I keep forgetting to bring them.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Just Putting This Out There.....
In our Relief Society Board Meeting on Sunday morning, we came up with a great plan to go along with our next Enrichment Night. Our lesson on Sunday was Dallen Oaks talk: Good, Better and Best, from October Conference, with a challenge to make better use of all of our time.
We have asked anyone who wants to to accept the challenge of going on a Media Fast, to do it for ONE Week. May 10-17, and see what that does for your family. So no TV, No Talk Radio, No Computers, except for work or Homework. You may listen to good music. We also asked the sisters to try and have a sit down dinner each night with the entire family also.
There are a few who have accepted the challenge and I know for our family it will be difficult. We may have to break it to watch some baseball games together as a family. So there it's out there for all to partake of. Lets all at least consider it and see what happens.
We have asked anyone who wants to to accept the challenge of going on a Media Fast, to do it for ONE Week. May 10-17, and see what that does for your family. So no TV, No Talk Radio, No Computers, except for work or Homework. You may listen to good music. We also asked the sisters to try and have a sit down dinner each night with the entire family also.
There are a few who have accepted the challenge and I know for our family it will be difficult. We may have to break it to watch some baseball games together as a family. So there it's out there for all to partake of. Lets all at least consider it and see what happens.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Cancer Walk

We are a happy family

This is Dad walking on the Track....

This is Dad DREAMING of years gone by!

Dad and Tawny before walking, Were not sure what Stacy is thinking about.

Darcy the ring leader of the fire builders....will she ever grow up.
We were privileged to participate in the East Valley Cancer Walk on Saturday April 12, out at Red Mountain High School in East Mesa. Ben and Stacy's Football team the "Hornets" are the driving force behind the event for us. It is a very emotional and exciting program. The Walk starts at noon, and their is someone on the track at all times walking until 9:00 Sunday morning. Thank you for letting us be a part of your group, and Ben I hope you got enough food to last you through the night.
They have the survivors recognized as well as those who are walking to help raise money. Last year we didn't stay for the candlelight Ceremony, but this year we did. With all the Luminaries around the track and everyone in the stadium carrying a candle, it was a very moving ceremony. Lots of tears we shed by all. During the lighting ceremony they light the survivors candles first and then they turn around and light someone else's who in turn lights someone else's. As we were lighting the candles for others, I noticed Marly coming through the crowd and several people tried to light her candle, she would tell them no, I want my grandma to light my candle. Thanks Marly you made me feel special.
We had to quit the walk early and sit down for a while, so we made our own Campfire of sorts, till we started to set the grass on fire, and decided that that wasn't to good an idea in the middle of the field.
As we were walking to our car after the ceremony, Bill told me that until 2 years ago when Stacy and Ben started this with their group and asked him to come and join in the survivor walk, he had never really thought of himself as a Cancer Survivor.
It was fun to be there with all our kids who made it out to the Stadium, we so enjoy being with our kids and it doesn't really matter where we are or what we are doing, it is just fun to be together.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Esse: We Really Do Love Him

Well Yesterday when I found out that Esse, Donny and Deanna's dog was lost for a while, like Deanna found out, I also felt really bad. I will never forgive him and what he did all over my front room, while they lived here, but I did feel bad knowing that he was lost. So now he is back home. Just shows you that your kids always come back home, again and again.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Easter Pageant

It's Easter Pageant Week at the Arizona Temple. They are celebrating the 70Th Anniversary of the pageant. How privileged are we to be able to go each year. It always brings back many happy memories of the first Easter Program that I was a part of. In 1967, the Easter Pageant consisted of a Choir on risers, with a small stage in front of us where they had different scenes enacted, in tableau's, while the choir sang. The audience was seated on folding chairs around the reflecting pool. It started at 5:30 in the morning, and was called the Easter Sunrise Service. MY HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!!
Last night we were able to attend with all my children and their children, (except Allison and her family, because of the new baby). We met up with Scott and Susan and their family and her mom and younger sister, and.......a family they had invited to view the pageant. Way to go Scott and Susan!!! Matt's Mom, Elma even braved the cold to attend.
We had the usual pageant dinner, pizza and pop, and lots of snacks. Brittany related to me some of her memories of when she was 4 years old and what she remembers about being in the Pageant. Not much sacred stuff there.
But last nights memory will be from Tawny. She was sitting on my lap when the 10 virgins came out to dance. I told her maybe when she gets older she could be in that dance. She turned and looked at me and said, "No Grandma, I dance HIP-HOP." So much for her chance as a dancer.
She also had a conversation with Brittany that went something like this. " I came to the pageant so I could see what Jesus really looked like." Then Brittany broke it to her that that was not the real Jesus, only an actor playing Jesus, just like on Christmas Eve when the kids dress up to portray Mary and Jesus. She replied "like when I was an angel, only I was the only angel dressed up in Yellow." Yes that's right Tawny, you are our favorite Yellow angel. It was quite a revelation to her that this was not the Real Jesus, as she had been expecting.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
What Are You Missing?
"We live in the marvelous age of the information highway. The amount of information sent by e-mail, fax, cellular phones, and other means is phenomenal. In fact, there is a glut of messages. The volume is so vast that it is easy to miss a vital message. Serious consequences result whenever we miss important messages, especially if these messages are from God." James E. Faust
OK....So after my last blog this ones really for Me, and those of you who know who you are.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sometimes Our Prayers Don't get past the ceiling!
Ok....Sometimes our prayers get a little out of control. That's the way that it has been forever at our Home. Most of them are good, you know reverent ,respectful, then there are those, where you are just grateful that Heavenly Father has a wonderful sense of humor, cuz you can only laugh. To make a long story short, and maybe it is one of those that you just had to be there to enjoy.
Dad and I, Melissa and Brittany, were all sitting on our bed,late one night, when dad says,lets have prayer, Will you girls join us. So we all crowded around the bench at the foot of the bed. Bill calls on Melissa to pray. I am kneeling down,and I feel myself drift off for a minute. Meanwhile Melissa is going about the business of saying a very nice prayer. After the Amen is said, Bill sits upon the bench. I am still kneeling down. I Could hear them still talking,and someone asked me a question, to which I raised up and started talking about nothing that they had asked me. So they all started to LAUGH at ME. We quickly cleared out the room and I was dead to the world in a short time. That was one good night.
The next night,the girls were in the room again, and again it was time for prayer. This time Dad asks Brittany to pray. Now Brittany is at one end of the bench, I am at the other, and Bill and Melissa are in between. The room is quiet, Brittany starts, I am being very reverent and I go to place my head on top of my hand, I realized that would not be such a good thing,so I let out a small muffled laugh, Melissa hears me so she starts, We were able to get control very quickly, and didn't have a problem after that. Meanwhile Bill has decided he can't look at either of us, so he refrains, cuz he knows that he would start if he looked up. During all this time I actually am listening to what Brittany is saying, and realize that something is wrong with her, her usually excellent quality of prayer, had been replaced with a quick get it over with and lets be done. After the last Amen, Brittany said I had to get it over with because I knew you guys were down there laughing, and I knew I was going to start. So I hope that we are not the only family that has some problems while we pray, or we are in for it when we finally get to the other side, and have to pay for all our non reverent attitudes.
This wouldn't have seemed so bad, but, I had just been exercising on my ball laying on my back. Lost my balance and while trying desperately to hold on to something to catch my fall, rolled over and landed on my back hitting my toes on the wall under the window, jamming my right thumb on the floor in Front of me. After I stopped falling and was laying there.It was very quiet in the room. Finally someone said"Are you OK." To which I replied, "Yes, I think so," Then they all started to laugh, and laugh,and laugh. I am glad that as their mother I can give them such happiness.
We had just been to a funeral for a dear friend Ann Rogers. All her 5 children spoke and gave remembrances of their mom. She was even accused of forgetting some of the many bad things that her kids had done, and wondering why her grand kids are now following in their parents footsteps. Makes me wonder what all my children will say about me at my funeral. I may be happy that I won't have to be there.
Now that I have gone on and on, And I'm sure your wondering why you are reading this, I am sitting here thinking WHY AM I WRITING THIS.
When all is said and done I want any and all who read this to know for certain, that I love my children and their spouses, and all my beautiful grand kids, and of course I love my husband, and he loves me, or at least puts up with me. I know he could probably have done better, but they got me, and I sure hope they know how much I love them. Even if they have to laugh, I'm glad I give them such enjoyment.
Dad and I, Melissa and Brittany, were all sitting on our bed,late one night, when dad says,lets have prayer, Will you girls join us. So we all crowded around the bench at the foot of the bed. Bill calls on Melissa to pray. I am kneeling down,and I feel myself drift off for a minute. Meanwhile Melissa is going about the business of saying a very nice prayer. After the Amen is said, Bill sits upon the bench. I am still kneeling down. I Could hear them still talking,and someone asked me a question, to which I raised up and started talking about nothing that they had asked me. So they all started to LAUGH at ME. We quickly cleared out the room and I was dead to the world in a short time. That was one good night.
The next night,the girls were in the room again, and again it was time for prayer. This time Dad asks Brittany to pray. Now Brittany is at one end of the bench, I am at the other, and Bill and Melissa are in between. The room is quiet, Brittany starts, I am being very reverent and I go to place my head on top of my hand, I realized that would not be such a good thing,so I let out a small muffled laugh, Melissa hears me so she starts, We were able to get control very quickly, and didn't have a problem after that. Meanwhile Bill has decided he can't look at either of us, so he refrains, cuz he knows that he would start if he looked up. During all this time I actually am listening to what Brittany is saying, and realize that something is wrong with her, her usually excellent quality of prayer, had been replaced with a quick get it over with and lets be done. After the last Amen, Brittany said I had to get it over with because I knew you guys were down there laughing, and I knew I was going to start. So I hope that we are not the only family that has some problems while we pray, or we are in for it when we finally get to the other side, and have to pay for all our non reverent attitudes.
This wouldn't have seemed so bad, but, I had just been exercising on my ball laying on my back. Lost my balance and while trying desperately to hold on to something to catch my fall, rolled over and landed on my back hitting my toes on the wall under the window, jamming my right thumb on the floor in Front of me. After I stopped falling and was laying there.It was very quiet in the room. Finally someone said"Are you OK." To which I replied, "Yes, I think so," Then they all started to laugh, and laugh,and laugh. I am glad that as their mother I can give them such happiness.
We had just been to a funeral for a dear friend Ann Rogers. All her 5 children spoke and gave remembrances of their mom. She was even accused of forgetting some of the many bad things that her kids had done, and wondering why her grand kids are now following in their parents footsteps. Makes me wonder what all my children will say about me at my funeral. I may be happy that I won't have to be there.
Now that I have gone on and on, And I'm sure your wondering why you are reading this, I am sitting here thinking WHY AM I WRITING THIS.
When all is said and done I want any and all who read this to know for certain, that I love my children and their spouses, and all my beautiful grand kids, and of course I love my husband, and he loves me, or at least puts up with me. I know he could probably have done better, but they got me, and I sure hope they know how much I love them. Even if they have to laugh, I'm glad I give them such enjoyment.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
My Banner Is Clear
The inspiring commitment of a young African pastor from Zimbabwe
I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have Holy Spirit power, my die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I'm a disciple of Jesus. I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still.
My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, am uplifted by prayer, and labor by power.
My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my Guide is reliable, and my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, preached up for the cause of Christ.
I am a disciple of Jesus. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me-my banner will be clear.
This was included in a talk given at our Adult Session on Conference last night. It struck a chord with me and I hope it does with you.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A Few of My Favorite Things!

These are a few of my favorite things. I have to confess I am having a problem getting all the pictures on this site that I wanted to, they appear and then they are gone. I started this on Valentines Day. and then got frustrated cuz they wouldn't work. I also had pictures of My Mom and Cole and a cute one of Emma. Oh well I guess that I will have to keep practicing.
My Eternal Valentine
Friday, February 8, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
As I was coming out of the Temple the other night, It always occurs to me how much we take for granted in this world. This is a thought that I have about lots of things in this life. Have you ever walked by a flower and really looked at it. How does it grow from a seed to know that it will be purple on the inside and trimmed in blue. How does it know how to take on the shape that it does.
I understand erosion that caused the formation of the Grand Canyon, but can you imagine how much force that had to take and how many years it took. But seeds are a different matter entirely. And I won't even venture to start thinking about the miracle of a Baby being created.
I know these things happen, but how do you create such a miracle. How does anyone not see that there must be a Master Planner behind all of these creations, a force of such power, that we can not comprehend it. How can people not believe that there is a God who is in controll of all things.
Just something to think about. Not anything really important in the grand scheme of things in the world of today, just small thoughts from a small mind.....MINE.
I understand erosion that caused the formation of the Grand Canyon, but can you imagine how much force that had to take and how many years it took. But seeds are a different matter entirely. And I won't even venture to start thinking about the miracle of a Baby being created.
I know these things happen, but how do you create such a miracle. How does anyone not see that there must be a Master Planner behind all of these creations, a force of such power, that we can not comprehend it. How can people not believe that there is a God who is in controll of all things.
Just something to think about. Not anything really important in the grand scheme of things in the world of today, just small thoughts from a small mind.....MINE.
Friday, January 25, 2008

Well we finally made it home. After our plane got cancelled in Los Angeles, it only took us an additional 8 hours to get home. Let me just tell you that everyone needs to see a whale out in the ocean at least once in their life. I'd have to say that was the highlight of our trip for me. I could see them from our balcony at our Hotel room also. There is nothing like seeing these hugh animals jump up and manage to be as graceful as they are.
Our trip was wonderful. Thanks to all who had a part in making it possible. It was just what we needed. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
This is the first time we have had a chance to get on the internet. We flew into Maui today, and have made it into our condo....we over look the ocean. It is georgeous. The weather has been beautiful, it gets up to maybe 80. We sat on the beach last night and watached the waves come in, it was very relaxing and soon you were off to dream land. So we went up and called it a night. This morning we went down and had a briefing on what is available on the island while we enjoyed all the fresh fruit we could handle during our continental breakfast. So much to do and so little time to do it in. Today we are going to go to Hana. The wonderful road to Hana, can't wait to see how much it has changed in 20 years.
On the island of Kauai, we were able to take the Helicopter ride around all the island and see the wettest spot spot in the world It was so cool, we went right in and came back out sideways. It is such a beautiful world. I haven't seen any cactus at all. We saw all the places that Jurassic Park was filmed, 6 days and 7 Nights, and the wonderful South Pacific. It is hard to imagine all the movies that have been filmed over here. Stacy and Deanna, I am sorry to tell you that the Hotel where Blue Hawaii was filmed is now in ruins and has never been renovated after the last huricane. Stacy and Ben we never found the Sushi Place that you told us about. Oh well. Anyway, we have seen just about everything that you can see by car and Helicopter. We even were late getting to the airport to get to Maui.
Well it's time to be on our way to Hana, so Aloha for now, and Thanks to everyone who made tis trip possible.
On the island of Kauai, we were able to take the Helicopter ride around all the island and see the wettest spot spot in the world It was so cool, we went right in and came back out sideways. It is such a beautiful world. I haven't seen any cactus at all. We saw all the places that Jurassic Park was filmed, 6 days and 7 Nights, and the wonderful South Pacific. It is hard to imagine all the movies that have been filmed over here. Stacy and Deanna, I am sorry to tell you that the Hotel where Blue Hawaii was filmed is now in ruins and has never been renovated after the last huricane. Stacy and Ben we never found the Sushi Place that you told us about. Oh well. Anyway, we have seen just about everything that you can see by car and Helicopter. We even were late getting to the airport to get to Maui.
Well it's time to be on our way to Hana, so Aloha for now, and Thanks to everyone who made tis trip possible.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Well another new year is here. A time to start over and begin again like a blank page waiting to be written on. Sometime's in life it is way to easy to just throw up our hands and say "THAT'S IT , LIFE IS JUST TO HARD ,AND I DON'T WANT TO TRY ANYMORE." So I guess my goal for this coming year is just to take it a day at a time. Cut it up into bite sized pieces, that will be easy to swallow. surely I can do that, one day at a time, or even one hour at a time. We have so much to look forward to in the coming year. Starting with three new babies that will be born into our family this year. We are off to a good start. My brother for Christmas is redoing the ceiling in our family room, and patching all the holes in my walls, that is such a great gift. I am so glad to be getting that done. I also got a new kitchen faucet, and the taps fixed so that they do not leak. I won't have to make sure that the faucet is not over a cup or a bowl so I won't have to listen to the steady DRIP..DRIP..DRIP. Thank you so much Gary and NaDene. He is also helping replace the sump pump in our basement. Wouldn't you know that would go out during the holidays.
Tonight we had a big LUAU at Stacy's house. Why would she have a Luau you ask in January? Surprise.....we are going to HAWAII. A lot of things that have been happening over the past few weeks are now making alot of sense. My brother-in-law, and sister-in-law in conjunction with all my kids have been planning this trip for over 2 months. We my husband and I were the only ones who were not in on the planning, I must be getting pretty dense, to not have seen anything funny going on. Even my boss was in on it. They have really tried to think of everything, and I think they have. They even had made arrangements for replacements to do our shifts in the Temple. So Early Tuesday morning we will leave for Hawaii and be gone for 8 days. I was so stunned, all I could think of was I don't have any vacation time coming in my new job, but not to worry, they had taken care of that also. Sooo...come Tuesday morning we will be flying off to Hawaii.
A BIG.... THANK YOU.... AND I LOVE YOU.... to Tom and Gayle, Mike and Marge, and all my children, you are the best. I still can't believe that no one let the cat out of the bag, and they managed to keep it a secret all this time. I AM TRULY BLESSED.
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