Saturday, October 27, 2007

It's after midnight, what am I doing ?
High Priests are a lively bunch!!

Tonight we had a High Priest Ice Cream Social. There were about 40 of us there. Of course no one from the Bishopric showed up, WHATS THAT ALL ABOUT? I got the invitation at 5:30 when the Group Leader called to see if we had remembered, which we hadn't, actually I don't remember ever being told about it. but a personal invitation is always nice! We had Pumpkin Pie and ice cream. After eating, or while eating for some folks, we went around the room and everyone had to say something about themselves or their spouse. We found out alot of very interesting things about the people that we associate with each Sunday. Some of them had very interesting stories. I'm glad that we get to call all of these people not only Brothers and Sisters, but also Neighbors and Friends. What a great area we live in.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I discovered something interesting last night

I'm not sure what I am doing, so everyone be very patient with those of us who are techno challenged. Hopefully I will get better.
Any way I have a word of advice for people who burn pans and then try to clean them quickly. Did you know that when you put dish soap in a pan and bring it to a boil, that it bubbles up and over the pan! Did you also know that those bubbles are as hot as steam! Do not put your hand into the bubbles and try to get them out of the pan, or you end up with burns on your fingers. Just a handy little hint for future reference.
OK, not a very good start for a blog, but like I said I hope I'll get better. I have very good teachers.