Sunday, December 16, 2007
Happy Holidays

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007
1. Desert Schools Federal Credit Union-Teller
2. Montgomery Wards -Customer Service
3. Lou Coopeys Photography
4. Big Surf
Four Places I've lived:
1. Mesa
2. Tucson
3. Provo
4. Santa Ana, CA
Four Favorite TV Shows:
2. The Unit
3. Dirty Jobs
4. Jag
Four Movies I Want To See:
1. Mr. Magoriums Wonderful Emporium
2. Enchanted
3. I don't get out much!!! But I saw these two advertised on TV.
Four Favorite Foods:
1. Ice- soft crush
2. Dr. Pepper Berries and Cream
3. Nachos and Jalapenos
4. Shrimp
Four Wierd Things About Me, OK....Five:
1. I can't go to bed without a clean house
2. I have a silent laugh
3. If nachos don't have jalapenos, they are not worth eating
4. I still do ballet when I'm alone in my kitchen
5. I got fired from my first job as a married person because they found out I was pregnant!
Four Places I'd rather be:
1. San Diego
2. At the Lake
3. Kaysville UT
4. Queen Creek with my children and grand kids
Four People I'm tagging :
1. EVERYONE'S BEEN TAGGED (except Brittany who tagged herself)!!!
The Nurturer
You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.A good listener, you excel at helping others in practical ways.In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for.
In love, you express your emotions through actions.Taking care of someone is how you love them. And you do it well!
At work, you do well in a structured environment. You complete tasks well and on time.You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist.
How you see yourself: Competent, dependable, and detail oriented
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, dominant, and stuck in a rut
What's Your Personality Type?http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourpersonalitytypequiz/
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Ice Hockey and the Homeless

Does this look like your car?

Saturday, November 3, 2007
I've been trying to learn.....Why does it not work for me.
I've been trying to learn more about how to do "stuff" on my blog, and after 2 days of failure I finally got a picture to download for me.
I want everyone to see Brittany's first pie crust. We had a mid-week on making pie crusts. It seem that everyone had the same idea as I did, to bring your older daughters to learn also. Which was exactly what Brittany accused me of. But no there was no conspiracy in it at all. Just a good time to learn a new skill and to do it together. I hope she had as good time as I did.
When we got home there were 2 bikes out in front of our house. We guessed that the missionaries were probably visiting, But No......It was better... it was CANDICE AND MATT. We are so glad that Candice is finally beginning to feel a little better, and feels like she can get out and about. I'm so lucky that I will be getting 2 new grand babies next year. Cuz we love them so much.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I discovered something interesting last night
Any way I have a word of advice for people who burn pans and then try to clean them quickly. Did you know that when you put dish soap in a pan and bring it to a boil, that it bubbles up and over the pan! Did you also know that those bubbles are as hot as steam! Do not put your hand into the bubbles and try to get them out of the pan, or you end up with burns on your fingers. Just a handy little hint for future reference.
OK, not a very good start for a blog, but like I said I hope I'll get better. I have very good teachers.